Wednesday, September 10, 2008


AKHEEERAN!! now i can officially say that i am back from my summer holiday. It is 8:10 in the morning and it has only been 2 hours since i arrived, i have to say that the weather is much better than anticipated but who knows it might change by 12 noon i can see it is getting windy :P 

 It has been a long time since i've posted anything and sorry about that :P bs now that i am here and unemployed with a lot of spare time on my hands i am gonna post about the remainder of my trip which was amazing....... right after i get some sleep 

ooo BTW mbarack 3alaikom il shahar oo 3asakom it3oodoona kil sina or by now i should say Happy Girgee3aaaan, a7la shay lama i9eer wagt girgee3aan oo yo9al lina 9anadeeg girgee3an 7ag 3yalhom oo 3ogob il fo6oor indoba kakaw :P MA SHAWAGTKOM HEHEHE