Sunday, June 29, 2008


I am sucker when it comes to reality shows, i don't know what it is that makes me addicted to them, although i know that most of the stuff that goes on aren't that "REAL" :P But, when it comes to so you think you can dance, it's not what happens between the contestant that amuses me it is actually their talent, they really know how to dance. i first saw the show on mbc4 it really got me hooked but it started to annoy me when i realized that they air only half an episode per week. it took me three years to finally start downloading them :P now i am downloading season 4 and it makes me wish i can dance like them :( which is practically impossible since i defiantly do not have the stamina for such moves i barely can do half an hour on the gliding machine hehehe:P

anyways, back to the show here is a video of a routine they did last episode that was amazing it was talent and entertainment at the same time, enjoy!!

Monday, June 16, 2008




Sunday, June 15, 2008


Ams kan fee mobara il kuwat '6id il emarat. ikhsarat il kuwait ma3a il asaf 2-3. laish montakhabna kil ma wa7ad 3a6a ba9 khatha il imarati?, kil ma ya hijom imaraty makoo difa3 kuwaiti?, ooo laish kil ma9arat hajma kuwaitia may3arfoon ikamloonha oo ikhaloonha goal?

il9ara7a ana maloom il la3ibeen, il moshkila ina makoo 7afez mako motivation ishaji3 il la3ibeen ina ya36ooon kil ili 3indihom oo il moshkila ili akbar ina makoo i7traaaf. fee mara kintmsawya ba7th 7ag mada fee jam3at il kuwait 3an "il i7tiraf il ryathi fe il kuwait" gabil la aswy hal ba7th kint agool ina la3ibeena khwara may3arfooon ooo min hal kalam. bs 3ogob ma ri7t o gabalt il la3ibeen wala ksaraw kha6ry. 

awal shay il i7tiraf ina il la3aib ikoon 100% mitfari'3 7ag illi3ib maykoon 3inda shighil thany wala shay oo fee 7al takheer oo '3yab 6ab3an fee 7isab. wil moshkila wayn, il moshkila in hatha il ganoon mo mit6abog bil kuwait. lama saalt il la3ibeen shino ahamyat il i7tiraf bil nisba lihom, chan igooloonli jadwalhom il yawmy: igoom il 9ib7 iroo7 il dawam ( gi6a3 kha9, aw gi6a3 7ikomi, aw jam3a) ikhali9 linafrith bil 2:30 irid il bait irayi7 shway oo yit'3ada, 5:30 tadreeb, ba3d il tadreeb ala ohma minhalkeen ghayer ili 3inda 3ayla oo 3yal yabi ishoofhom o yog3ad ma3ahom, oo takhayilaw il yom ili hal la3ibeen ikon 3indihom mobara shlooon yigdirooon ya36oon kil ili 3indihom. il 9ara7a 9a3ba. 

igoloon ina il7tiraf yabeelah floos wayed min il 7ikooma oo matigdar itwafer hal kam  min il floos. ana gool bidal mata36oon 3yal il jam3a hal 100 dinar ili malha ma3na wala ra7 itfeed khalooha 7ag hal la3iben misakeen ili ga3ad imathloon dawlatna. la7ad igool ina il 100 dinar mofeeda 7ag shira' il kotob lana itha kan il 6alaib ib jam3at il kuwait il kotob makh9ooma 40% fog in il7ikooma ityeebha ib si3ir arkha9, oo ili kan ib jam3a kha9a ma dam ga6 kil il floos 7g il dirasa mo nag9a yishtri kotob. ana ashooof ili ma3ay bil jam3a il 100 dinar matgi3ad isboo3 ili ihya ma9roofa 3ala kharabee6. kanw il mafrooth ikhaloonha 7g shay afyad ma3a il asaf. 

magool ila allah iy3eenhom oo inshala ishidoon 7aylhom bil ayam il yaya, oo allah ya7fith il kuwait

Saturday, June 14, 2008


yesterday i went to watch Narnia at the muhalab cinema (it has been a a while since i last went there ever since the avenues opened up :P ) over all the movie was amazing, but i still think the first one was better, maybe it is because they were new to narnia and the adventure while exploring new things is usually better. anyways i highly recommend those people who like to watch sci fi and fantasy. 

here is a good link to read a real review mine isn't really :P link

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Since i am a fresh graduate and i've got a whole lots of spare time, i thought that i must have a summer list that i should stick to (inshala) to make my time more productive. i never stuck to a planner before even when in UNI i would start a planner for the first week ( which is a very slow week) then when it starts to get chaotic i stop :P lets hope that i do stick to this LIST. It will plan my summer but no dead lines :) ( i hate deadlines they make me so nervous) .

OK now on with the list:

  1. Read some books such as: Middlesex, the five people you meet in heaven, twilight, a thousand splendid suns, and what ever else i buy this summer.
  2. Buy an IPHONE ( i know "tawinaaaaaaaas" its a long story i'll dedicate a post for it)
  3. Exercise (it has been a while and i must lose some weight :P)
  4. catch up with TV shows,prison break season 2, top chef season 4, so you think you can dance season 4, hells kitchen season 4, desperate house wives season 4
  5. cook something delicious and blog about it. 
  6.  and have lots and lots and lots of fun :)
that is all i can think about right now but this list will be updated every once and a while through out the summer.

if you have any suggestions for me go ahead and shoot em at me i am up for anything this summer cuz i am freeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!  ^_^ 


Someone sent me those ads as forward to my email, now are these creative or what it is rare that you see that type or advertisement around ;) 


Monday, June 9, 2008


These games are just meant to be played!! 

My eyes are glued to the screen I just can't have enough. For those of you who has an account on facebook you just have to add them. They are three games all by PlayFish. What's cool about them is that you can challenge your friends on who is getting the highest score and believe me when i say it even if you aren't a competative person you are so gonna be after playing these games, ok enough blabbering and on with the games, ok so here are the games descending by the level of entertainment:


Basically, what it does here is that you play a total of 4 mini games in order to see how smart you really are, and what's cool about it is that the score is actually a measurment of the brain (ex. 2000 cm^3) isn't that cute :)


Now this game has nothing ot do with brains but it sure can get you attached as much as the previous one. when I first saw it I thought that it was going to be boring cuz who can play bowling on the net it so not realistic, but I was very very wrong. You control the ball through the mouse and in order to throw it you pull back and then shove the mouse to the front and it does kinda feel like real bowling but in the comfort of your couche ;) 


This game not as much fun as the previous two but still equally addictive. Whenever I say "ok now thats gonna be the last round and I'm going to sleep, or study, or anything else that probably more productive" I find my self playing for more than 20 rounds and up to 2 more hours ( thats kind of an exaggeration :P ) What's really good about this game is that you actually learn a lot, I found out is that you can make up dozens and dozens of word from only 6 letters, its kinda like scrabble but with a time limit and puts at the edge of the seat trying to figure out words :P

So there you have it those are the gams that got me all crazy the past few days, and just to get you pumped up to try those games here are my scores:

  1. Who has got he biggest brain?......................2291 cm^3
  2. Bowling Buddies..............................................222
  3. word challenge.................................................4650


Sunday, June 8, 2008


Hello world, and welcome to my blog. 

Let me start by introducing my self. I am just a random kuwaiti girl who loves to read and comment on other peoples blogs. After doing that for more than 3 years I decided to open up my own blog. The thought of opening up the blog was there since the beginning of the year, and it took me this long to actually open it up. The reason behind that was that I was in college and didn't need any more distractions. Guess what?! Now I am a graduate and I've got plenty of spare time as an unemployed woman, and I've never felt happier. 

My blog here is  a place where I can spill any thoughts I have about anything in the world, the sky is the limit. Basically, thats gonna include my interests, and they are:
  • Reading
  • Gadgets (mostly anything from Apple)
  • Some computer games
  • Music (mostly english but i do like arabic)
  • Surfing the internet
  • Traveling (you are going to be with me where ever I go ;) )
  • and of-course what's a girl gotta do without her shopping
I hope that I will be dedicated to this blog and keep you guys updated with every random thing in the world, that looks like a good start but we'll see what happens :P

'till then world,
Randomq80ya ;)